Seasonal Highlights

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Rock Creek Park

Spring Highlights

Plants & Landscape


  • Pale green leaves emerging on vines (greenbrier), trees and shrubs
  • Long clusters of tiny white flowers: black cherry (late spring)
  • A pink or coral tinge to some oak leaves as they are just emerging
  • Huge leaf buds of sweet gum
  • An occasional white bouquet of flowering dogwood blooms
  • Pairs of reddish winged seeds from red maple, twirling as they fall
  • A thin layer of yellow pine pollen over everything during April
  • Often loads of non-native invasive plants: Green knee-high garlic mustard*, vining lavender Chinese wisteria*, and non-native viburnum shrubs flowering white
  • Silky nests of eastern tent catepillars (often in cherry trees)
  • Birds arguing over territory, building and sitting on nests; some young being hatched
  • A flock of crows ranting at barred owl or red-tailed hawk—potential predators of nest young

Summer Highlights

Plants & Landscape


  • Long clusters of tiny black berries on trees: black cherry
  • Three-parted leaves of poison ivy growing as knee-high stems or climbing up trees, some forming green berries
  • Young birds emerging from nests (early summer)

Autumn Highlights

Plants & Landscape


  • Acorns and fallen oak leaves of various fascinating shapes and sizes
  • Yellowing three-parted leaves of poison ivy falling to the ground in parts
  • Birds eating pales berries of poison ivy or deep blue berries of greenbrier vines

Winter Highlights

Plants & Landscape


  • Lingering clusters of deep blue berries on greenbrier vines
  • Evergreen needle bundles of loblolly or Virginia pine
  • Sharp-edged leaves of evergreen American holly, contrasted with female trees’ red berries—winter food for hungry birds
  • Onion-shaped winter buds of the occasional flowering dogwood
  • Thick hairy roots of poison ivy clinging to tree trunks