Early Detection Rapid Response Plants (Rock Creek Park)

A special category of "problem" plants are non-native invasive species that are newcomers to an area.

Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) programs focus on locating and eradicating new populations of these non-native invasive species BEFORE they can spread and become established in an area. Rock Creek Park staff and trained work teams actively search for these plant species, known as Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) species.

At Rock Creek Park, these are some examples of EDRR species that have been found in Rock Creek Park in limited quantities and take priority for removal:
(The asterisk* indicates non-native.)

  • Yellow archangel* (Lamiastrum galeobdolon*) a groundcover
  • Japanese angelica tree* (Aralia elata*) a tall shrub
  • Leatherleaf mahonia* (Mahonia bealei*)  a shrub
  • Holly osmanthus* (Osmanthus heterophyllus*)  a shrub

And these are some examples of EDRR plant species that are known to grow nearby. They will need to be removed quickly when found in Rock Creek Park:

  • Wavyleaf basketgrass* (Oplismenus hirtellus*)  a low plant
  • Black swallow-wort* (Cynanchum louiseae*)  a vine
  • Pale swallow-wort* (Cynanchum rossicum*)  a vine
  • Incised fumewort* (Corydalis incisa*)  a low plant

If you see any of these plant species, please make a note of your location. If possible, take a picture. Notify Rock Creek Park's Chief of Resource Management at 202-895-6010.

Learn more about Early Detection Rapid Response: www.doi.gov/invasivespecies/edrr/index.cfm.