
Found 216 results
The-Weather-Channel-Interactive.  2009.  Monthly averages for Washington, DC.
Thomas J.E., Campbell J.P., Costanzo S.D., Dennison W.C., Lehman M., Nisbet D., Nortrup M., Parsons M..  2013.  Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment.
Thompson EH, Sorenson ER.  2000.  Wetland, woodland, wildland: A guide to the natural communities of Vermont.
Thompson B.  2009.  Bill of the Birds: It’s Getting Cuckoo.
Townsend JF.  2006.  Natural heritage resources of Virginia: rare plants. Unpublished report.
Tucker M.  1999.  Think Again.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2007.  Hay’s Spring amphipod (Stygobromus hayi).
University C.  2016.  Viburnum Leaf Beetle.
University of Maryland Extension.  2008.  Sirex Woodwasp.
University of Maryland Extension.  2008.  Beech Bark Disease. Accessed 2018
University-of-Massachusetts-Extension.  2002.  The Beech Blight Aphid.
US Department of Agriculture Forest Service.  1995.  Pest Alert: Butternut Canker.
US Department of Agriculture Forest Service.  2017.  Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015.
US Department of Agriculture Forest Service.  2003.  Gypsy moth in North America.
US Department of Agriculture Forest Service.  1998.  How to identify and manage Dutch elm disease.
US Department of Agriculture Forest Service.  2009.  Major forest insect and disease conditions in the United States 2007.
US-Department-of-Agriculture, Natural-Resources-Conservation-Service.  2014.  Soil Textural Triangle graphic.
US-Department-of-Agriculture-Forest-Service.  1990.  Silvics of North America. Volume 2: Hardwoods. Agricultural Handbook 654. Hardwoods. Volume 2: Hardwoods
US-Department-of-Agriculture-Forest-Service, Michigan-Department-of-Agriculture, et al.  2008.  Emerald ash borer.
US-Department-of-Agriculture-Forest-Service.  1996.  How to identify butternut canker and manage butternut trees.
US-Environmental-Protection-Agency.  2012.  Average Temperature of Shallow Ground Water Map.
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.  2008.  Proposed Program for the Control of the Woodwasp Sirex noctilio F. (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in the Northeastern United States.
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.  2008.  Sudden oak death.
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.  2017.  Emerald Ash Borer.
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.  2017.  Asian longhorned beetle.
